Spring 2017: Week 5
This week brought Arbor Day, Take Your Child to Work Day (27th), Kiss Your Mate Day (28th), and the Santa Barbara County Fair. Sunday to Sunday staff thought it was a good chance to capture some of the wonderful ways we are Growing Together.

“Kissing like teenagers at the SB County Fair, this Minnesota couple said they plan on growing old together.” (Earl Warren Fairgrounds, Santa Barbara) – Bronwyn Wallace

“This tree sprawls across the skyline at neighboring campus where the sapling education of many eventual Antioch Alums is cultivated.” – Staff

“Mom and daughter, growing together at ‘The SB County Fair’.” – Staff

“Watching the Jazz Choir from Dos Pueblos High School grow closer together over the weekend at the Reno Jazz Festival.” (Reno, NV) – Bobby Georges

“When trees, plants, and the need of a pathway all work in symbiosis.” (Santa Barbara) – Chakib Youcefi

“Growing-up together.” – Yann Le Maitre

“Trees remind me of home.” (Pleasure Point, California) – Sarah Humphreys