Sunday to Sunday: Finals Week


“Taking a break from finals with my favorite person, my mom.” -Sammi Beach

“Part of my finals week included visiting Casa De La Guerra for a final project!” -Damon Hickman

“Key to finals week: find an empty classroom and procrastinate by watching Netflix.” -Lia Durham

“Relaxing by the ocean as I come to the stressful end of my first quarter.” -Sarah Humphreys

“All that my brain can think about is that I’d rather be here than doing finals (Big Sur River Inn).” -Katelyn Boisen

“We all need a break from studying even though it’s final week. I spent my break with an iced soy latte by the pool.” -Ine R Hansen

“Finals week means all day wine tasting with Antioch alum pretending you’re also already graduated, right?” -Alicia Briggs

“The remnants of the only meal of my day.” -Bobby Georges

“With the quarter coming to an end it’s giving me more time to spend with family.” -Travis Frohlich

“Rock stacking class final project.” -Jackson Nazario

“Im glad to be done.” -Julie Nataas

“Dancing in the streets on a Thursday cus it’s SPRING BREAK!” -Anna Anthun

“Sour patch and Diet coke to celebrate that the quarter is over.” -Anniken Andersen

“Rolling out of winter quarter with smiles on our faces just trying not to fall.”
-Caroline Smith

“Reading of Black Power, under a Yellow Sun, with my Blue Hair.” -Oscar Carleson


About Author


Jillian Fowler

Jillian Fowler is a communication and media major at Antioch University. She will be graduating this upcoming June and is excited to see what the future has in store for her. Jillian is originally from Boulder, Colorado and moved to Santa Barbara a little over six years ago. From the Rocky Mountains to the sandy beaches, she absolutely loves it all. Jillian works at the modern rock radio station called 92.9 KJEE. She started off as an intern and became fascinated of the world of radio; now becoming a Friday night radio DJ. Jillian has strong communication skills and is always striving to do her very best.

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