Summer Break
Summer break for Antioch students is a time to relieve some of the pressure experienced during the academic quarter by relaxing, exploring new places, and trying new things. Check out how the Odyssey Online class spent their time over the break!

A sunny morning in the Financial District of Boston resembles the glory days of Atlantic City. -Erik Oscar Carleson

Nature is the best architect in the world. -Chin Hei Kong

We built a fire with exploding firewood and seaweed. I’d say that’s a recipe for a pretty good Saturday night. – Marta Waldrop Bergman

Dog days of summer. -Simon Auckerman

June Lake – Travis Spencer

Invert your view
– Kyran Million

“This summer I have had the pleasure to be interning at SLTWTR Creative Agency.” -Dylan Broyles

Zip-lining in Big Bear -Lia Durham

Making friends with fans at the Euro. -Quentin Dupouy

Started the day in Santa Barbara, ended it in Santa Cruz. – Alicia Briggs

The prettiest of views after Saturday’s Farmers Market in Little Italy Mercato. San Diego, CA. -Niki Cohen