The week of Fiesta is over for now. The streets of Santa Barbara still show signs of the countless confetti eggs that were cracked by fiesta-goers, and the city takes a breath. To go along with the celebratory vibe of the annual festival, the Odyssey staff writers show how they celebrated.

Audience showered in purple smoke as a Prince Cover Band in De La Guerra Plaza rocks Fiesta! -Kyran Million

Celebrating Fiesta with Zermeño Dance Studio and their stunning dance moves. – Travis Spencer

There’s nothing like a little confetti to add some pep to your step. – Alicia Briggs

Turning 21 and having the last thing you remember, being this meal. I think we did it right. – Vegard Vaagnes

Networking and ping pong with confetti in our hair.- Erik Oscar Carleson

Sunset Fiesta in Santa Barbara. -Chin Hei Kong