Dia de los Muertos is a Mexican celebration in remembrance in honor of those who have passed.
The reason why we bring bright colors for the altars for this celebration of honoring those who have passed on, is to remember all the joy and good they have brought into our lives.-MaryLou Hernandez

MaryLou Hernandez is is the Admission Advisor at Antioch University of Santa Barbara.
The Latino Student Association hosted an event this past Friday afternoon for the special occasion of Dia de los Muertos.
There was delicious food, and dancing showcase by the Ballet Folkoricao Alma de Mexico, Santa Barbara, CA. Everybody encourages to share in loving memory of those who have passed.
Specifically, November 1st is the day to honor adults and respective leaders. This next image is a sculpture of Coretta Scott King. Coretta Scott King was an Antioch graduate class of 1951 of Yellow Springs Ohio.

Coretta Scott King passed away January 30, 2006. An American civil right activist and wife of great civil rights leader, Martin Luther King Jr.
Dias de los Muertos is a two-day celebration that takes place from November 1st and 2nd. It is a not a day intended to be a sad or somber. Dias de los Muertos is the time to remember all the joys and light that our dear loved ones have shed in our lives.