Angelica Salazar-Flores
Angelica Salazar-Flores
Has worked in the Human Services field for a total of 22 years, 9 years worked for different organizations in the community contracted by the County as Case Manager, Job Readiness Workshop Consultant, Career Advancement Specialist, WIA Youth Employment Counselor, Teen Pregnancy Program, and Family & Children's Services. For the remaining 13 years, Angelica has been employed by the County of Santa Barbara, 5 years in the Child Welfare Department, and the past 8 years have worked for Adult Protective Services as a Social Worker. Angelica will be completing her B.A Degree in Applied Psychology at AUSB and plans on pursuing her MA in Clinical Psychology with Healthy Aging and Somatic Therapy. Angelica has worked with every stage of life and has found that working with the aging population is where her passion lies.