Author Rosalyn Price English

Rosalyn Price English is an author, lay-preacher, and mediocre gardener living in the hills of Central Pennsylvania. She is working towards ordination in the United Methodist Church, and is also a single mom homeschooling her teenage son. She regularly hosts groups of women around her kitchen table, chatting over coffee and sharing stories and strategies that nourish both cells and souls. Her passion to help others has roots in her faith as well as her struggles and successes managing attention deficit disorder and its complications. In sharing her personal journey to wellness on social media, Rosalyn was encouraged by her community to self-publish a debut cookbook, as well as a goal-setting workbook. In addition to writing about food, Rosalyn’s personal writing projects include faith, parenting, homesteading and homeschooling. Rosalyn’s writing career includes ten years in commercial instructional design and technical writing for the medical and insurance industries; fifteen years as a small business owner of an international boutique marketing firm; and twelve years creating programs and content to support and promote her 600-member family homeschooling association in Pennsylvania. Rosalyn’s super power is the ability to research topics, compile data, and communicate complex and involved information in a distilled format with an approachable, easy-to-understand style.