FREE Health Care? Remote Area Medical-RAM


On Friday, November 16 2015, Antioch University, Santa Barbara hosted students, faculty and staff, and community members to view the documentary Remote Area Medical.

Remote Area Medical (RAM) is a “pop-up” medical clinic designed to provide free health services to those who have been denied or cannot afford health care.

“My vision for Remote Area Medical® developed when I suffered a personal injury while living among the Wapishana Indians in Guyana, South America. I was isolated from medical care, which was about a 26 day journey away. I witnessed the near devastation of whole tribes by what would have been simple or minor illnesses to more advanced cultures…”. – Stan Brock

Stan Brock. Founder of the Non-Profit Organization, Remote Area Medical- RAM.

Founder of Remote Area Medical, a Non-Profit Organization.

RAM was founded by Stan Brock, in 1985. Read more about Stan Brock’s story. Initially, Brock’s focus with RAM was aimed towards aiding indigenous tribes in underdeveloped regions of the world. More recently, energy focus for the organization is being drawn back to home, aiding the people of the United States. RAM California has been developed to focus solely on the health care issues we are facing here, close to home.

The documentary takes place in Bristol,Tennessee. Where thousands of participants – volunteers and guests – converge upon NASCAR’s famous Bristol Motor Speedway to provide and receive care for urgent health needs. View the official trailer, below.

Wondering how they pick a location? Ram needs to be invited to a location before they can begin organizing an event. After an invitation is received they can strategize for needs and find volunteers. Then the remote medical team sets-up shop, passes out tickets to people waiting to see the doctors, and systematically see as many people in need as possible.

“We always start on time, we have never started late!” –Stan Brock

Volunteers are the foundation for this organization. Without the help of hundreds, sometimes thousands of volunteers, these events would not take place. All forms of medical professionals show up to provide their expertise and services FREE of charge. Most pay out of pocket for their travel expenses and boarding – which can be quite expensive when flying across country.

Volunteer Helping at a RAM event. Photo courtesy of: The Herald Courier.

Volunteer Helping at a RAM event. Photo courtesy of: The Herald Courier.

Want to help out? Follow these links to: VOLUNTEER – or- DONATE


About Author

David Arnet

David Arnet was born and raised in Porterville, CA. Currently, residing in Santa Barbara, California, he studies Business Managements and Leadership at Antioch University Santa Barbara. In his senior year, he is a contributing writer for the Online Odyssey, volunteering with the Food Bank, and working as an Account Manager for Armony Cucine USA. Participating in outdoor activities, sports, competition, and just chilin’ with friends at the beach is the best way for him to spend free time.

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