Los Americanos: A Foreign Opinion


Oh… Los Americanos means Americans!

As an international student from Norway, people always ask me what I think about Americans. They often ask me questions about the American culture and which place I like better: Norway or America. I usually try not to answer that question, not because I don’t have an opinion, but because the question “which place is better?” is actually a hard one to answer. Yes, there are pros and cons with America, but it is the same goes for Norway and every other country in the world. Personally I don’t think any place or culture is better than the other; we just tend to think our own culture is better because it is what we know and what we are used to.

On Facebook I came across an article about Americans posted by a Norwegian friend who also studied in California. The article is called “20 Weird Things About America That Americans Don’t Realize Are Weird.” It mentions a lot different things that I had to get used to when I first came to the US. I would add a number 21 to the article saying “Americans are very comfortable with how everything is. A change is often frightening, even when for the better.” This is not the case in every situation, however every time I bring up how something is done in Norway, people ALWAYS say “But that is Norway, you have like 5 million people.” I feel that people should listen to what I have to say before automatically dismissing it. When you read this article, don’t think I am the Norwegian girl who thinks that she comes from a better place because trust me I can criticize Norwegians the same way. It is just more fun with Americans, because you all take it so personally!

Lots of Love, The Foreign Girl.


About Author

Elisabeth Danielsen

Elisabeth is an award-winning documentary filmmaker from Norway getting her degree in Communication & Media at Antioch University. She has always had a passion for visual storytelling. Elisabeth is hard working, passionate, and never gives up until she reaches her goals. As an music video production intern in West Hollywood, she hopes to pursue a carrier as a producer after her graduation in June. Elisabeth is hard working, passionate, and never gives up until she reaches her goals.

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