Low-Carb Diet to Well-being


 I asked one of my professors; “How can I make the best out of my education?”

“Well-being! Take care of your mental and physical health,” they answered.

Well-being according to www.thefreedictionary.com is to be thankful for your health.

I started focusing on my health by running and lifting weights. As a youngster, soccer was my hobby, and later weightlifting. With weightlifting, you have the ability to control your appetite and focus on how your body looks, so I started to eat right to improve my well-being.

I discovered the work of one of the world’s leading experts Dr. Eric Westman, Professor of Medicine at Duke University, Director of Duke Lifestyle Medical Clinic, and co-founder of www.adaptyourlife.com on how to improve your well-being through a healthy diet, the Keto-Diet.  

Dr. Westman says that “The Keto-Diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet, and can help with healthy weight-loss and obesity.”

The State of Obesity shows that obesity rate in adults in California is 25%—that’s 1 in 4. Obesity has impacts on our mental and physical health. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention says that obesity can lead to long-term psychological effects; stress, low self-esteem, and depression, and your body may age faster.

Share Keto Way of Eating is a social group on the Meet up social media platform located in Santa Barbara where people support and share their experiences with this diet.According to Alexandra M., the admin of this group,“Most diets are made to sell— yet Keto is not!”

On Meet up, everyone can connect with the local community and share knowledge, interests, life situations, and etc. to reduce aging and improve well-being. It requires you to register yourself and become a member of at least one group. The group will approve your request, and then you meet up in person to become a participant in the community.

Dr. Westman’s Keto-Diet Plan: Eat as much as you want from the following:

  • Fat: Coconut oil, Olive oil, butter, and butter. Whipped cream is a good source for reducing sugar cravings.
  • Protein: Any meat, beef, lamb, pork, ham, bacon, chicken, turkey, eggs, and etc.
  • Fish: Eat a lot of fish because fish is rich in healthy fats. Salmon, halibut, cod, crab, prawns, clams, oysters, mussels, squid, octopus, any smoked, dried or plain canned fish or seafood.
  • Carbohydrate: 50 Grams or only vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli, cucumber, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, eggplant, green beans, kale, mushrooms, peppers, spinach, squash, tomatoes, onion, and etc. No starchy Carbohydrates such as rice.
  • Cheese: Eat a ton of cheese because it has a good amount of fat and protein. Swiss, cheddar, mozzarella, Monterey Jack, Gruyere, goat cheese, bleu, feta, and soft cheeses such as cream cheese, brie, and camembert.

This diet helped me in achieving my goals. I hope it will work for you! 


About Author


Farokh Khan

Farokh Khan is a BA student from Norway, studying Psychology and Business. He likes to read about Philosophy and enjoys connecting with people from different cultures. Farokh follows European soccer closely and, when he is not watching soccer, he enjoys the companionship of his wife even though she isn't a soccer fan. He is planning to do master in International relations.

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