A new quarter is upon us, here is what our students have been up to..

“Californian Peace of Mind” -Julien Sanavio

“Sunday therapy at its finest” – Niklas Knoph

“Sometimes we all need a midnight snack” -Erin Maloney

“The best things in life are dogs and the ocean.” -Karin Jensen

“Financial wealth for who?” -Lorenzo Caruso

“The struggle of playing soccer on turf. Some lost skin and pain for days.” -Steven Wagener

“Working on some holistic personal development by dropping some rap beats at Bo Henry’s” -Erin Maloney

“In France we call him the best American cook!” -Julien Sanavio

“Beach day with Bagel” – Kari Jensen

“Sunday Funday” -Cody Sabo

“It’s the eye of the ‘tiger’ and the thrill of the fight” -Erin Maloney

“Tried acai bowl for the very first time on Thursday! A to the mazing.” -Anniken Tronstad

“A morning cup of coffee before class is a must!” -Mia Hayat

“Children naturally love the ocean. Finding fun ways to teach them how to love and take care of an environment that is at risk, helps facilitate their continued stewardship of all things living. Art, cooking, and role playing are great ways of helping children learn these important concepts!” -Jennifer Vogel
Seems like it’s been quite some week! Check in next Monday to see how our weeks have gone!