New month and we are almost half way through!

A May day celebration in Paseo Nuevo by the Revels!-Erin Maloney

A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. -Lorenzo Caruso

Happy TGIF!! Friday fun-day at Miramar beach, Montecito-CA. -Sujin Chon

New beginnings can be scary at first. Control your speed. No time for fear. Photo by Jacob Kistner. -Julien Sanavio

Nothing is more classy than a vintage commute down Highway 101. -Nick Salsbury

No free time here, a mom must “Keep Moooving”. And keep moving I did at the fair with my daughter. -Sarah Villalobos

An immobile distressed Western Grebe sat on the Santa Barbara shoreline this weekend, with oil in its feathers. The Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network, which has given thousands of animals a second chance at life, since 1988, immediately responded. -Jennifer Vogel

It was one of those days where I had so much school work to do I didn’t know where to start. My most reasonable solution was to pretend that school work doesn’t exist and instead join my buddies for a bbq in Isla Vista, California. -Niklas Knoph

Antioch students Will and Cody celebrating Cinco De Mayo at the Wildcat Lounge. -Cody Sabo

No quotes needed (happy now Jim?) Santa Barbara by noon at the beach! – Anniken Gaka Tronstad

Fishing at Goleta Pier and all I caught was crabs. Sheep crab to be exact. -David Arnet

The Pepperoni distribution is on point: Half way through the quarter! -Steven Wagener

Late night hang out at the beach with Mia. -Julie Stensrud

Thursday ritual with Julie. -Mia Hayat

Enjoying the morning view from the Gaviota Wind Caves. Beautiful wind sculpted caves with ocean views located at Gaviota State Park. -Kari Jensen