California has some of the most beautiful sunsets in the world. This week the goal was for the Odyssey writers to get out and chase beautiful sunsets or sunrises (if they’re an early bird) and take extraordinary photos of the sun.

A Day Is Born – Hendry’s Beach , Santa Barbara – Bronwyn Wallace

It’s so beautiful it looks like a painting! A stunning sunset in Montecito – Damon Hickman

Making flower crowns while the sun dives into the pacific. Now that’s my kind of day – Caroline Smith

The times they are a-changin – Oscar Carleson

Recipe for a perfect Saturday night? Finding a new spot to watch the sunset, above Hendrys, with good friends and good food – Alicia Briggs

Saturday’s full moon and sherbet colored sunset – Camilla Yahyaoui

A wonderful sunset seen from east beach – Christoffer Kjellberg

Watching the sunset and fullmoon from Shoreline Park last Friday with friends. Didn’t really know what direction to look as the sun was settling in one direction and the full moon lingering above the ocean in the other – Jennie Sundgot

View from my bedroom, not too shabby – Lia Durham

Sometimes we have to take a step back from our busy schedules and appreciate what’s around us. Especially these incredible Santa Barbara sunsets in our very own backyard – Jillian Fowler

First rain of Fall coming to Central Coast – Howard Vega

Helipad looking South at Ventura County Medical Center – Dom Ventura

On a beautiful hike up Cold Springs trail I find myself always remembering to appreciate the shade these beautiful trees give – Travis Spencer

This weekend we raced from sun up to sundown. 24 hrs – Travis Frohlich

Sunny Saturday at The Grove this weekend – Vilde Fredheim

A long walk to Butterfly Beach under the blazing sun, admiring the breathtaking beauty of our town. Check out some other hidden gems of Santa Barbara – Mia Hayat