Good food oftentimes goes hand-in-hand with good feelings and good memories. Any food can be comforting, even if it’s not comfort food! Here is the food we find the most comforting.

You just can’t beat a fantastic cold beer and lovely company of your significant other – Travis Spencer

When there’s not enough time in the day for a real lunch, one of these usually keeps me going – Travis Frohlich

The next day I was back on the ramen noodle financial diet – Christoffer Kjellberg

Am I the only one who hates airplane food? Refilling my stomach with necessary nutrition at this amazing restaurants located in downtown Copenhagen before a 11 hour flight to the US exactly one month ago – Jennie Sundgot

Can’t ever go wrong with a bacon cheeseburger! – Damon Hickman

The pros of living with a culinary student – Caroline Smith

Friends visiting from home means being payed in Norwegian chocolate to sleep on my couch. The one thing I miss as an international student! We know chocolate over there – Camilla Yahyaoui

When in doubt- Grab some oysters. We are so fortunate to live in a place where we always have the freshest seafood – Jillian Fowler

Pre-pie Pumpkin Pile! ( Try saying that three times, fast!) Festive Fall Foods Soon Warm the Season – Bronwyn Wallace

Super Cucas tacos are irresistible sometimes – Jackson Nazario

There isn’t much that can’t be solved by a good margarita and chips and salsa – Alicia Briggs

Birthday Breakfast! – Lia Durham