When You Think That They’re Not Looking.
Observing the birds of Santa Barbara and their quest for love.

Harriet Foxworth, age 38, born in a nest by Panda Express.
This is Harriet, a Blue Heron. She spends most of her time relaxing at the Montecito Country Club soaking up the sun. Harriet loves long flights above the lake on any given day. If she’s not found by Lake Cachuma making sushi or on a photo shoot, you can catch her taking a nap by a tourist on the pier. She truly is a high maintenance type of gal. He ideal man would have to live a very luxurious lifestyle and be very well cultured. I ain’t saying she’s a gold digger but… Well maybe she is just a little.

Here is Harriet strutting her stuff.
El Guapo

El Guapo, age 26, Cracked out of an egg in Tijuana.
This is El Guapo, the bachelor who just moved out of his parent’s nest. Usually Guapo is found passed out next to a bottle of Jose Cuervo. It may have something to do with the fact that he can carry two gallons of liquid in his throat pouch. So watch out ladies, he single. Besides the fact that El Guapo is a party animal, he really enjoys spending quality time diving for fresh fish with his buddies.

Nothing new here, Just El Guapo chasing the ladies as usual.

Edwin, Age 72, Born in a chimney.
Looking no better than yesterday, this is Edwin an old California Condor. Don’t be fooled by that hairline, he has been bald since the day he was born. You can usually find Edwin and his old buddies feasting on dead cattle by Hollister Ranch. His face might resemble the devil’s ass but he truly doesn’t care. An old cranky gentleman with a heard filled with coal, Edwin won’t think twice about chewing someone out for stepping on his lawn.

Edwin has had enough of the camera for today.

Roy Oneil, Age 20, Born in the back of a frat house in Isla Vista.
Roy is just a young lad excited for what his future might hold. To be honest, Roy is a lover not a fighter. His favorite melody to sing, is that of a 1997 Honda Civic car alarm, that he will proudly perform to anyone that asks.

Evelyn Marie Berkman, Age 42, Born and raised on the soft sand of Butterfly Beach.

Don’t be fooled by her shy exterior, Evelyn is a very spontaneous lovebird.