The quarter is more then half way gone and our students are working hard to stay stress free!

Sunday hike with a beautiful view over Santa Barbara. -Julie Stensrud

Rainy days and gray clouds calls for a Red Rocks hike. Here’s a POV perspective from the top of the world in beautiful Santa Barbara. – Niklas Knoph

Alpha Resource Center in Santa Barbara helps the differently-abled community find expression through art, dance, music, and theater.~Performance: Fashion Disaster, 2015. -Jenniver Vogel

Yummy, fun cupcakes for a violin recital in Montecito. Cupcakes and music.. Yes please! -Sujin Chon

This Mallard duck had an early morning wandering my parking lot by himself. They feed on crustaceans and insects, so Santa Barbara is a perfect feeding ground. Did you know the researchers at the University of Missouri, are using satellite tracking to put Mallard duck migration on the map? -Erin Maloney

When your roommate is turning 24 and you forgot the cake… -Anniken Gaka Tronstad

It takes darkness to be aware of the light. (Butterfly Beach.) -Nick Salsbury

Day dreaming about vacation, procrastination at its finest. Picture taken at Big Sur CA. -Kari Jensen

East Beach lifeguard tower sits unmanned awaiting the summer season. – Sarah Villalobos

In the world millions of animals are being killed everyday. Only America produces, daily, enough meat for approximately 2 billion people. Indeed, we are not killing animals for our survival but only for the sake of our appetite! ( Santa Barbara, California). -Lorenzo Caruso

Good music, good company… Tuned In for Shlomo at Velvet Jones. -David Arnet

Goleta Pier……Circa2015 3 generations of the Parra family. -Jon Parra

#StudentsAtAntioch don’t only drive cars, but bikes too! -Mia Hayat