Are you feeling the heat yet?

About to enter into the 9th week of Spring quarter. Some sweet Sunday R&R time with the comforts of home and Netflix. – Sujin Chon

Artistic Habitat, Redondo Beach #Entrepreunorship #Goodcompany -Julien Sanavio

Odyssey Online writer Nick Salsbury posing very gangster like next to a (surprisingly large) somewhat unstable Jenga tower at Fig. Mountain, Funk Zone. 06/02/15 – Niklas Knoph

Cody Sabo doing arts and crafts at the east side Boys & Girls Club. -Cody Sabo

While the quarter is nearly over and the time at Antioch comes to an end, it is important to enjoy some memorable moments with friends. Pool Party at Goodland hotel in Goleta. -Steven Wagener

In the stress of week 9, we are all hanging onto our friends. It doesn’t hurt that we are also working on a project for the Culture and Emotion class at Antioch. -Erin Maloney

Undoubtably the place I spend the most time when I am not at work or school. The Wall at Butterfly Beach in Montecito. Trying to catch my Zen before Week 9 – Nick Salsbury

Photo shoot for the upcoming fundraiser “Reds for Refugio” Sunday June 7th! -Kari Jensen
Photo By: Kari Jensen

To find unique and interesting wines, coffees, meats, and cheeses, I head over to the Santa Barbara Public Market at 38 W. Victoria, downtown . I’ll confess, I don’t leave the market without a carton of these yummies-lovingly made by Enjoy Cupcakes. -Jennifer Vogel

I met a #StudentAtAntioch with her dog Bella, who was featured in a previous article about the difficulties dog owners face when they try to lease a house. -Mia Hayat

Larry, with two old blues guitars, posted at East Beach, Santa Barbara. Different styles of blues in different guitars, each with their own attributes. “I’m just an underground blues player, living out of my care and playing the blues for people that matter” -Larry
-David Arnet

Saturday we suprised Josie on her birthday! We had so much fun. -Anniken Gaka Tronstad