Think, Grab and Get Out Quick!


Rey Fire Shakes Our Nerves, How Long Do You Have To Get Out Of A House Fire?

House fires are scary and to find out you only have 4 minutes to get out makes it even worse. Stats have shown that materials and items in our homes caused the time to drop from 17 minutes.

Time Lapse of the Rey Fire on August 20th, 2016. Check out KEYT website for more details and updates to the status of containment.

Read the article describing the test done where a fire was set on a couch and jumped quickly to engulfing the house within minutes. That is approximately one fourth the amount of time that you have to get out of your house compared to 30 years ago.


Monday evening sunset behind the Rey Fire smoke

No filter needed. The Rey Fire, as seen from state street, Santa Barbara. Vegard Vaagnes

The Rey Fire, as seen from state street.


About Author

Travis Spencer

Travis Spencer is a Liberal Arts Major at Antioch University Santa Barbara. He currently works as a Creative at the Apple Store on State Street, where he combines his passion for technology with his customer-service based interests. During his spare time, Travis enjoys hiking hidden trails of Santa Barbara and surrounding area. If not hiking you might find him playing frisbee on the beach or disc golf out in Goleta.

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