After all the ups and downs of the 2016 presidential election the big day finally arrived. This is how the Odyssey writers spent election week.

A future voter gathers leaves near the Santa Barbara Mission – with only two days left before grown-ups head to the polls – Bronwyn Wallace

Early morning voters. Happy to be voting – Travis Spencer

Election week has me studying at school – Travis Frohlich

Lean back and watch the circus – Camilla Yahyaoui

Look at all that red!!! 19:41 11/8/16 Election Day USA – Dom Ventura

My friends and I decided to take a break from the election and go paddleboarding instead by the harbor. Best idea ever – Jennie Sundgot

No caption needed – Alicia Briggs

No matter what happens in this crazy wild election the sun will still rise and will still set and for that I am thankful – Caroline Smith

Even though I am disappointed by the results of the election, I still have my American flag grocery bag presented proudly – Lia Durham

The color Black usually has a negative connotation. However, denotes strength and authority, it is considered to be a very formal, elegant, and prestigious color. It is also a symbol of grief, which may fit the popular voice right now with the elected US President – Howard Vega