“Taking a break from finals with my favorite person, my mom.” -Sammi Beach

“Part of my finals week included visiting Casa De La Guerra for a final project!” -Damon Hickman

“Key to finals week: find an empty classroom and procrastinate by watching Netflix.” -Lia Durham

“Relaxing by the ocean as I come to the stressful end of my first quarter.” -Sarah Humphreys

“All that my brain can think about is that I’d rather be here than doing finals (Big Sur River Inn).” -Katelyn Boisen

“We all need a break from studying even though it’s final week. I spent my break with an iced soy latte by the pool.” -Ine R Hansen

“Finals week means all day wine tasting with Antioch alum pretending you’re also already graduated, right?” -Alicia Briggs

“The remnants of the only meal of my day.” -Bobby Georges

“With the quarter coming to an end it’s giving me more time to spend with family.” -Travis Frohlich

“Rock stacking class final project.” -Jackson Nazario

“Im glad to be done.” -Julie Nataas

“Dancing in the streets on a Thursday cus it’s SPRING BREAK!” -Anna Anthun

“Sour patch and Diet coke to celebrate that the quarter is over.” -Anniken Andersen

“Rolling out of winter quarter with smiles on our faces just trying not to fall.”
-Caroline Smith

“Reading of Black Power, under a Yellow Sun, with my Blue Hair.” -Oscar Carleson