A big step forward: Supreme Court rules Same-Sex Marriage legal nationwide
What has been fought for and discussed for years and years has finally become reality.…
Originally from Luxembourg, Steven is in his 6th quarter at Antioch. His main fields of interest are Social Justice, Nonprofit Management, and Article writing, but he is also enthusiastic about sports, especially soccer and cycling. At Antioch, he started to become more interested in media and journalism. He plans to graduate with a BA in Liberal Studies in June 2015 and hopes to work for a Nonprofit or as a writer/freelance contributor. During his free time, he enjoys hanging out with friends, connect with people, watching movies, or working out. His ultimate goal is to work, one day, for the United Nations.
What has been fought for and discussed for years and years has finally become reality.…
Thailand’s fishing industry is one of the most controversial sectors with claims of slavery, trafficking,…
The FIFA Women’s World Cup is right around the corner, a time for me to…
On Tuesday, May 19th a massive oil spill occurred at Refugio State Beach north of…
UPDATE: California Governor Jerry Brown declares State of Emergency for Santa Barbara County. An offshore…
Two hard-fought games over two legs between the four best European teams this season. At…
Human trafficking takes many different forms. One of them is child soldiers in armed conflicts…
Human Trafficking is one of the biggest global issues right now. The United Nations and…
In a recent interview, several Antioch students got a chance to talk to local activist…
Bad news ahead, if you did not have Pizza last Monday, February 9th, you missed…
UPDATE APRIL 28, 2015: Nigerian armed forces reportedly rescued 200 girls and 93 women from…
The Arlington Theatre was host to this year’s Santa Barbara International Film Festival’s Virtuosos Awards.…
Ever getting tired of the beaches in Santa Barbara? Want to see a professional sports…
“Our Food Bank now serves an incredible one out of four people in Santa Barbara…
It is 5 o’clock somewhere: Happy Hour at Dargan’s While walking over State Street looking…
No on Measure P, and Yes on hydraulic fracturing, that was the general message that…
“It will not only contaminate our ground and drinking water, but will also pollute the…
What is fracking and Measure P? Hydraulic fracturing is the process of “injecting fluid-mostly water…
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