Social Issues

Social Issues
Santa Barbara’s Wildlife Is At Risk. There is a silent killer affecting California’s predator population:…
Most of us can agree there are few things as heartbreaking as starving children. In…
Today, it seems as if bicycles have replaced cars in many cities. They have become…
At 17 years old, Lynn Houston left her home in Missouri to explore the world.…
I am thankful that my life is different because of my time in Santa Barbara. Before…
If you are told to imagine a strong independent woman, who do you think of?…
International students are everywhere. Students not only move abroad to get the education they want,…
What exactly is The American dream, and does it even exist anymore, and if so,…
Animals in circuses have everything that is natural and important to them taken away, and…
If you’re thinking of getting a new dog, here are some reasons why you should…
She confesses to me, “Mommy says I have to go. She gets mad when I…
A company’s mission to support marine life. Bruno Aschimanini, Steven Ford, and Brandon Leibel were…
An Interview About Laws Impacting Specific Dog Breeds’ Chances of Being Adopted from an Animal…
A Look Into the Reality of the Harm Caused by the New and Upcoming Fast…
Expanding the Conversation During National Eating Disorder Awareness Week When I was twelve years old,…
The Residents of Gaza Find an Escape From Their Warzone Called Home Through the Power…
“He only needs to be known by one name: Denzel” -Saniyya Sidney presenter of Maltin…
Her Reluctant Return to Sweden had More Than a Silver Lining Swedish alumna, Isa Östman…
Students Share Their Experiences At The Women’s Marches Women’s March On Washington: Los Angeles On…
Learning How to “Act Now” From Dove Rose Grennan It is clear after speaking to…
On Friday, October 14, 2016- I had the privilege to see my dearest childhood friend,…
When we realize simple tasks are not as easy for everyone Some of us take…
My Experience in Jail – Part 2 If you have read “My experience in Jail…
Does Trump Have What It Takes? Does He Know What It Takes? In Donald Trump´s…
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